Congressional App Challenge

Representative Rick Crawford is excited to announce the Congressional App Competition. High school students who live in or are eligible to enroll in high schools located in the First District can participate in the competition by developing or designing an Application on a platform of their choice.  (You can check to see if you live, or your high school is located, in the First Congressional District here)

Students entering the competition must submit their app’s source code online as well as provide a YouTube or VIMEO video demo explaining their app and what they learned through this competition process.

The 2023 Congressional App Challenge’s winning team is Ebony Jade Robertson and Kyle Lu, seniors at Cabot High School, under the instruction of Kayla Britton, with their app, Arkansas Biking. The students created the app to provide everyone with virtual access to the Arkansas River Trail. The students stated in their application, “We wanted to create an app that would encourage users to visit the Arkansas River Trail and appreciate the wonders of our Natural State.”

Ebony Jade is the daughter of Jerry and Sharon Young and Kyle is the son of Hazel and Neil Lu.

First place winners pictured left to right; instructor, Kayla Britton; team members,
Kyle Lu, Ebony Jade Robertson, and Congressman Rick Crawford

Previous Congressional App Challenge Winners

2022 Winner – William Rownd

The 2022 winner is William Rownd, a 10th grader at Cabot High School. William created his app titled Rx Adviser during his free time outside of a classroom setting. Rx Adviser is a medication reminder app using revolutionary technology that allows for ease of use along with drug-to-drug interaction warnings. He developed this app with two audiences in mind: the growing population of senior citizens and others who take numerous medications on a regular basis and have an increased risk of drug interaction. It was built using JavaScript and the react native framework for iOS visual studio code. You can watch his Rx Adviser demonstration video here.


If you would like to view the videos from all the national winners of the Congressional App Challenge, click here.