100-year-old veteran Bill Eades celebrated with a drive by parade

Mar 31, 2020
In The News

100-year-old veteran Bill Eades celebrated with a drive by parade

Written by Chris Hudgison
Published by KAIT 8

JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) – It’s the heart of spring but it’s a special day at Summer Place.

If you heard a lot of noise off Stadium Drive in Jonesboro, well there was a good reason. Mr. Bill Eades received a symphony of car horns to celebrate his centennial.

The Jonesboro resident and World War II veteran turns 100 years old. Social distancing didn’t stop folks from wishing him well, a nice parade on a nice day.

Congressman Rick Crawford sent Mr. Eades a flag that once flew on the U.S. Capitol. A gentleman that’s part of the greatest generation is humbled by all the love.

“I’m just flabbergasted, I can’t believe it yet. I’ll never forget it,” Mr. Eades said. “Anybody that lives 100 years that can remember it, I don’t know. I sure appreciate all that you guys have done. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

Cars big and small came by and even a John Deere. Mr. Eades is near and dear to all including Nettleton Baptist Church.

Former pastor Stan Ballard is a close friend to Bill. “He was married to his wife Grace for 75 years and 6 months before she passed away back in January of 2017,” Ballard added. “One of the sweetest spirited people that you could ever be around. He was very faithful to attend worship services. He loved baseball. He used to play baseball with his 6 brothers down in Trumann.”

Current Nettleton Baptist Church pastor Brady Canright describes Mr. Eades has having an infectious joy and an infectious smile. “You just want to sit and ask about his life and his experiences, but he just wants to talk about you and your family,” Canright said. “For me, he’s always asking about the church and how things are going. He loves Jesus. For his birthday, he wanted to be baptized again, he was baptized at 28.”

Congressman Rick Crawford sent Mr. Eades a flag that once flew on the U.S. Capitol. A great gift for a gentleman that’s part of the greatest generation.

“I tried to teach them how to shoot a gun, hold a gun, and all that stuff,” Mr. Eades said. “It just means everything. I lost some of my best friends, but I just thank the Lord I’m back here sitting in this chair today.”

So what’s the key to a long life? Mr. Eades keeps it simple. “I just try to be a decent man, a decent dad, and that’s all. I’ve had a super good life. I’ve had a good life.”

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