Crawford: Bipartisan Farm Bill Sends Strong Signal of Support

May 16, 2013
Agriculture and Trade

FARRM Act Clears First Major Hurdle in House

Congressman Rick Crawford (R-AR) issued the following statement this morning after the House Agriculture Committee approved H.R. 1947, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 by a vote of 36 to 10:

“The House Agriculture Committee has worked for the second year in a row to fashion a bipartisan and fiscally responsible Farm Bill that works for producers across all regions of the country. Now that the bill has been voted out of committee, I am looking forward to securing final passage later this summer in the full House, and conferencing the differences with the Senate version before the current extension expires at the end of September.”

“The House Farm Bill reflects the regional diversity in American agricultural production, including the heavily irrigated Mid-South. The Senate farm bill takes a positive step in sharing this goal, which brings us closer than ever to a final product. When we finally enact a 5-year farm bill, producers can operate under certainty and stability as they plan their crops and take out loans to finance their operations. The House Agriculture Committee’s resounding 36-10 vote on the FARRM Act is a showcase of what bipartisan cooperation can accomplish for the good of American agriculture.”

Congressman Rick Crawford (R-AR) issued the following statement this morning after the House Agriculture Committee approved H.R. 1947, the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 by a vote of 36 to 10:

“The House Agriculture Committee has worked for the second year in a row to fashion a bipartisan and fiscally responsible Farm Bill that works for producers across all regions of the country. Now that the bill has been voted out of committee, I am looking forward to securing final passage later this summer in the full House, and conferencing the differences with the Senate version before the current extension expires at the end of September.”

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