Crawford, Boozman Announce $7.6 Million USDA Funding for Arkansas Flood Prevention

Oct 06, 2017

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman and Congressman Rick Crawford, members of the Senate and House Agriculture Committees, announced that the Departee Creek Watershed Improvement District and Big Slough are recipients of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funding to reduce the risk of flooding.

Floods put a significant strain on Arkansas’s communities and severely impact agricultural producers in our state. I am pleased to support these investments which will improve water infrastructure control measures to ease the threat of flooding to Arkansas’s rich farmland,” Boozman said.

Our abundant water resources can often be a real challenge for the 1st District. From meetings with the producers to conservation districts to local municipalities, for years my office has been working hard on the Departee Creek project in particular. It’s a relief to know that these projects will finally receive the critical investments that the communities need to properly manage their flood risk,” Crawford said.

Departee Creek Watershed Improvement District will receive $5.7 million from the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to create water control structures and conservation easements to reduce the risk of flooding.

Big Slough will receive a $1.9 million grant from the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to reduce floodwater damage and prevent sediment loading in Big Slough Drainage Ditch and its major tributaries.

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