Crawford: Fundamental Reforms Still Needed

Mar 29, 2012
National Debt and Spending

Crawford votes for House Budget but calls for permanent spending controls

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rick Crawford released the following statement after voting for FY 2013 Budget:

“At home I constantly hear from parents and grandparents who are afraid that their children and grandchildren will not be able to share in the American dream because the debt is crippling our economy. The vote today is a step towards ending deficit spending and reducing our national debt. I still firmly believe that Congress must take action and pass permanent spending controls that will fundamentally change how Washington can spend taxpayer dollars. Keep in mind, this budget is only a guide and has no binding legal authority. It’s a reminder of the Senate’s inaction for over 3 years now. An overhaul of our budget process should strongly be considered.”

“In 2009, President Obama pledged to cut our national debt in half by the end of his first term. In reality, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion or almost 50 percent since President Obama took office. By continuing to spend money that we do not have, President Obama is paving the way for a massive recession. I will continue efforts to pass permanent spending caps to ensure that the next generation of Americans will not inherit an economy strangled with debt.”

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