Crawford Responds to State of the Union

WASHINGTON- Congressman Rick Crawford, (R-Jonesboro) issued the following statement about President Obama’s State of the Union Address tonight.



                                                Click HERE to see Congressman Crawford’s video response to the State of the Union

“At home in Arkansan my constituents ask, ‘Where are the jobs?’ Over the last three years, nearly 2 million more Americans and many Arkansans have joined the ranks of the unemployed. Nothing is more demoralizing than not being able to find a job, and support a family,” said Crawford. “At the same time the Obama Administration has imposed a flurry of new regulations that have left small businesses hamstrung. Nothing kills jobs faster than a Washington regulation. The federal government must stop regulating businesses out of existence and jobs into extinction.”

Crawford commented that President Obama addressed the need for jobs in America and new sources of energy, but just last week the President rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“Tonight, the President talked about creating American jobs and finding new sources of energy. The Keystone XL Pipeline would have created 20,000 jobs immediately and nearly 100,000 more jobs over time,” noted Crawford. “Keystone also had the added benefit of providing the United States with a new energy source that would make our country less dependent on Middle Eastern oil. Even with these tremendous benefits the President chose to reject the Keystone project. Our country faces many challenges. We should not let divisive partisanship be the challenge that prevents our success. I want to work with Democrats and Republicans to create American jobs.”

Crawford was also moved by Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s attendance of the speech.

“The most powerful moment of the night was when Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, walked into the House chamber. No matter how great the divides are in Washington, Gabby is a reminder that as Americans, we share a common bound. I wish Gabby the best on her recovery, and I pray for her continued resilience.”

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