Crawford Statement on WRRDA Markup

Sep 19, 2013

 Congressman Rick Crawford (AR-1), a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement after the committee held a markup on H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform & Development Act (WRRDA):

“This legislation is critical to the maintenance of our nation’s waterways, which are the arteries of commerce that drive economic activity and growth. Arkansas stands to benefit from this legislation, with projects focused on the Mississippi River and its tributaries stretching throughout the First District affected by this vital legislation. I commend Chairman Shuster for his hard work on this bill and look forward to working with him to pass legislation that maintains our infrastructure while being budget-conscious.”

House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (PA-9) said:

“I thank Congressman Crawford for his insight and hard work in helping craft this legislation. The Mississippi River and its tributaries are invaluable to our nation’s economic health, and I look forward to Congressman Crawford’s continued input as we move forward with consideration of H.R. 3080 on the House floor.”

Water Resources & Environment Subcommittee Chairman Bob Gibbs (OH-7) said:

“This bipartisan legislation cuts red tape and streamlines the infrastructure project process while promoting fiscal responsibility and strengthening our maritime transportation networks.  WRRDA champions job growth that will uphold our transportation infrastructure, and preserves our nation’s competiveness. I look forward to WRRDA heading to the House floor this fall.”


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