Crawford votes for Middle Class Tax Relief

Dec 13, 2011
National Debt and Spending

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Rick Crawford voted in favor of H.R. 3630, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act. The bill passed the House with a vote of 234 to 193.

“Today the House acted to turn the economy around and protect American workers. The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act will protect the middle class from a tax increase, it will protect seniors’ access to care by strengthening Medicare and it does not add one penny to the national debt,” said Crawford. “This bipartisan bill will extend the payroll tax holiday. If the House failed to act today, middle class families in the First District would see an additional $1,000 tax burden. Because of today’s vote, workers will keep more of their wages.”

Along with extending the payroll tax holiday, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act will require President Obama to take action on the Keystone Pipeline Project. It has been more than three years since the application was submitted to build the pipeline that would link oil supplies in Canada and North Dakota to refineries in the United States.

“Additionally, it is encouraging to American workers that the Keystone Pipeline project now finally has a vote of confidence. Hopefully now manufacturer’s like Welspun in Little Rock will not be forced to layoff workers because of President Obama’s unwillingness to move the Keystone Pipeline forward.”

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