Creating Jobs and Ending Economic Uncertainty

Oct 26, 2012
National Debt and Spending
Weekly Column Achieves

In 2011, the House of Representatives launched the Plan for America’s Job Creators, a pro-growth agenda aimed at removing government barriers to private-sector job creation. Since then the House has passed dozens of jobs bills, including several that the president has signed into law. 

When I talk to families at home in Arkansas, they are always concerned about jobs. The House has voted numerous times in the past two years to create an environment that encourages job creation and ends economic uncertainty. Some key pieces of legislation include:

• The Small Business Tax Cut Act, is legislation that gives small businesses a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income. Small businesses are the engine that drives our rural economy. By giving small business owners tax relief, they will be able to invest in themselves and hire new workers for their growing enterprises.

• The Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act, that will repeal ObamaCare’s 1099 paperwork mandate on small businesses will alleviate a huge regulatory burden. Business owners throughout our district have voiced their support for this legislation that will allow them to focus their energy on building their businesses instead of complying with oppressive regulations.

• Finally, we are blessed to live in a land with abundant natural resources. The House has voted to get the federal government out of the way so that we can develop those resources. Not only will these projects help American families meet their energy needs, they will also create thousands of jobs in the process. America does not have to be at the mercy of foreign governments to meet our current and future energy needs. As gas prices creep higher each day we should become less dependent on Middle Eastern oil. I will continue working to develop the energy resources we have right here in North America to secure our economic future and to put more Americans to work.

Over the last several weeks I have traveled to all corners of our congressional district talking to families about everything from education to farm policy. Regardless of the meeting, every person I have spoken with has the same concern – we need jobs. As a former small business owner who has created jobs in Arkansas, I know that responsible policies from Washington are essential for small businesses to grow and hire new workers. Although the House of Representatives has taken steps to encourage job creation and end economic uncertainty, I will keep working to help Arkansas families gain the stability they deserve.


In 2011, the House of Representatives launched the Plan for America’s Job Creators, a pro-growth agenda aimed at removing government barriers to private-sector job creation. Since then the House has passed dozens of jobs bills, including several that the president has signed into law.

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