Rep. Crawford Responds to Latest Abysmal Inflation Report

Jul 13, 2022

Contact: Sara Robertson (

Washington  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today that inflation over the last 12 months reached 9.1% in June, further eroding the buying power of the American people. It’s the highest rate in more than 40 years.

“The recklessness of the Biden Democrats knows no bounds, as today’s dreadful inflation report demonstrates,” Representative Rick Crawford (AR-01) responded.

Undeterred, Beltway Democrats are still working to pass another reconciliation bill that will further flood the economy with inflationary spending now, while allegedly offsetting that spending down the road.

“This economic malpractice is what results when you hand over your party to economically illiterate Leftist ideologues,” Crawford added.

President Biden, meanwhile, is currently in Saudi Arabia, imploring that nation to increase its oil production.

“After waging war against U.S. energy production since the day he took office, the president is now hat-in-hand, begging the Saudis to let us import more of their fossil fuels. The American people will get their chance to weigh in on this incompetence in a few short months,” Crawford concluded.

Under the Biden Administration

Gas is up 59.9%

Electricity is up 13.7%

Food at home is up 12.2%

Transportation is up 8.8%

New Cars are up 11.4%

Food away from home is up 7.7%

Used cars are up 7.1%

Shelter is up 5.6%

Apparel is up 5.2%


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